"For whoever exalts himself will be humbled and he who humbles himself will be exalted." Luke 14:11
HONOR, COURAGE, COMMITMENTThese three words encompass the Core Values of the United States Marine Corps. Upon completion of Boot Camp and/or Officer Candidate School, Marines are issued a “Core Values” card. On the back of the card the Marine signs his or her name acknowledging that Marines:
1. Obey the Law
2. Lead by example
3. Respect themselves and others
4. Maintain a high standard of integrity
5. Support and Defend the Constitution
6. Uphold special trust and confidence
7. Place Faith and Honor above all else
8. Honor fellow Marines, the Corps, Country, and Family
In an individual sport, such as running , it is easy to get tied up in your own personal story; personal best times and distances, how many miles I ran last week, my next event is going to be…, etc. It is at times like these for me that a reality check is needed as reminder that I am allowed to run only as far and fast as the Lord will permit and Faith will carry me. That reality check came Saturday morning as I was looking at the Semper Fi Fund website and saw the promo for an HBO Original movie called “Taking Chance”. The following is the synopsis from the HBO promo page:
In April 2004, Lieutenant Colonel Michael Strobl, USMC, came across the name of 19-year-old Lance Corporal Chance Phelps, a young Marine who had been killed by hostile fire in Al Anbar Province, Iraq. Strobl, a Desert Storm veteran with 17 years of military service, requested that he be assigned for military escort duty to accompany Chance's remains to his family in Dubois, Wyo.Witnessing the spontaneous outpouring of support and respect for the fallen Marine - from the groundskeepers he passed along the road to the cargo handlers at the airport - Strobl was moved to capture the experience in his personal journal.
His first-person account, which began as an official trip report, gives an insight into the military's policy of providing a uniformed escort for all casualties. The story became an Internet phenomenon when it was widely circulated throughout the military community and eventually reached the mainstream media. 'Taking Chance' chronicles one of the silent, virtually unseen journeys that takes place every day across the country, bearing witness to the fallen and all those who, literally and figuratively, carry them home.
A uniquely non-political film about the war in Iraq, the film pays tribute to all of the men and women who have given their lives in military service as well as their families.
With that being said, this Blog was started with the intent of tracking my weekly training enroute to the Western States 100. I will continue to humbly post my weekly stats and race reports, staying true to my mission of running for the Glory of God and in support of Injured Marines.
This past week served as a good recovery from the ICY 8-hour with 4 shorter runs during the week and taking the weekend off to spend time with the family. I am looking to ramp up the miles next week and try to get some good mountain runs completed on the weekend. Run Strong!
Semper Fi and God Bless,
Training for Feb 9-15: Weekly Mi (27.5), Monthly Mi (98.8), Yearly Mi (257.3)
Mon: Lift and Abs / Precor EFX 546 CrossRamp (5.5 mi / 50 mins)
Tues: 5.5 miles-Wakefield Park Trails
Wed: Off
Thurs: PUs and Abs / CrossRamp (5.5 mi / 50 mins)
Fri: 11 miles-Grover Archibald Trail in Georgetown
Sat / Sun: Off
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