I completed the ICY 8-Hour Adventure Trail Run on Saturday, 7 February. Once again God blessed me with the opportunity to challenge myself both physically and mentally. “Time” was the watchword for this event. This was the first timed race that I had run and the clock management certainly added a since of strategy to the race that I had not dealt with before. The race was directed by Alex Papadopoulos and Scott Crabb of Athletic Equations. These guys put on a first class event and I highly recommend participating in the 24 hour and 12 hour events they have scheduled for later in the year. As you know I have been raising funds for the Semper Fi Fund for about a year, Alex and Scott are committed to donating 50% of the proceeds from the 24 hour Trail Run to the Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund. OORAH!!
The race was run on two loops of trails in the Lake Anna State Park in Central Virginia. Runners had the choice of an 8 mile “long loop” or the 4.7 mile “short loop”. We saw about a 40 degree temperature swing from the start of the race to the finish (mid 20s up to the mid 60s). About 100 people started the race at 0730, I myself started off on a long loop and would alternate between long and short for the rest of the day. The first two loops were pretty cold but by the third loop I had shed almost all of my layers including hat and gloves and finished the day in short sleeves, beautiful running weather.

The trails were in great shape initially but as the day grew warmer and the ground started to thaw several areas got pretty sloppy with mud and that always helps as you start to grow tired in an event, NOT. I am typically not a fan of loop courses but adding in the time management and the option of different loops allowed enough variation to keep me motivated and engaged throughout the race.
So what was the final tally? I was able to run 42.8 miles in 7h:51m:25s (3 long loops and 4 short loops). I am still waiting for the final results to be posted but I think I placed around 4th. The winner was a VHTRC member, Mike Bailey, who was able to run 50.3 in just under the 8 hour mark, awesome job.
What’s next? The next scheduled race is the Seneca Creek Greenway 50K on 7 March. At the end of the month my wife and I are going to California to spend some time with some very dear friends. It has been a while since we have seen this family and it’s going to be great to have some time to catch up. He has just returned from his second tour in Iraq and I am grateful for his safe journey home.
This brings us full circle to the race watchword “Time” and the Bible verse from Hebrews at the top. I know that in this Time of economic uncertainty everyone is apprehensive about what the future will bring, but one thing is certain; this country is at War and in economic good times or bad times Marines are going to continue to be killed and injured. Their needs are going to continue to be as great as they have been and I asked that for those of us that have the means to assist; do what we can. I am going to get the ball rolling this year and pledge to commit $25.00 for each race that I complete for the remainder of the year to the Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund. I welcome all of you who are reading this to join me in this challenge as we continue to “Serve Those who Preserve our Freedom”. Run Strong!
God Bless and Semper Fi,
Training for 2-8 Feb: Weekly Mi (55.3), Monthly (71.3), Yearly Mi (229.8)
Mon: Lift / Precor EFX 546 CrossRamp (5.5 mi / 50 mins)
Tues: 7 mi Teddy Roosevelt Island
Wed / Thurs / Fri: Off
Sat: 42.8 mi ICY 8-Hour ATR (7h:51m:25s)
Sun: Recover
Sun: Recover
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